<title>Corps member shares the terrible state of the ceilings at Corper’s Lodge in Jigawa state (Photos) | BAZEMUSIK HOME OF ALL STARSBAZEMUSIK HOME OF ALL STARS: Corps member shares the terrible state of the ceilings at Corper’s Lodge in Jigawa state (Photos)
Saturday, July 27, 2019
Corps member shares the terrible state of the ceilings at Corper’s Lodge in Jigawa state (Photos)
Corps member shares the terrible state of the ceilings at Corper’s Lodge in Jigawa state (Photos)
A Corps member identified as Peace Innocent, took to Facebook
to complain about the state of the ceilings at a corper’s lodge in
Jigawa state.
“This is the ceiling to a corper’s lodge in miga local govt of jigawa
state. Its terrifying, what is the government doing? Pls share, there
must be a change.” she wrote
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